Wizardry and Enchantment

Hey Minevitans!
Our new update brings you a few new features that will make your adventures more fun and rewarding, as well as a whole new enchantment system for your gear! Let's get into it.
Say Hello to The Wizard

At /warp cauldron, we have a very special newcomer in town, but it seems like his Magic Cauldron isn't working. If you talk to him and agree to help out, maybe he'll let you use it!
The Magic Cauldron

Once you fix The Wizard's cauldron, you can use it to enchant your gear by right-clicking it while holding the item you want to enchant. Then, you'll be able to select the custom enchantment you want and you have a chance to get it! When the lightning strikes, you'll know whether you got what you wanted. You can boost those chances with a Magic Pouch or Magic Dust!
Enchantments such as SKULL SEEKER, BOOST, AUTOSMELT and LUMBERJACK are available for you to put on your weapons!
The Black Market

There's one more NPC to talk to this update and his name is Grimnir! You can find him at /spawn opposite the portal and The G.O.A.T. He'll introduce you to the more mysterious side of Minevita and maybe even help you turn a quick profit.
Misc Updates

- Speaking of The G.O.A.T., you can now select a job from talking to it. We hope this change will make it easier for new players to get started with jobs.
- Claiming has been made easier! Now you can type /claim in any world and you'll be able to access a GUI like in the image above.
That's all for today's update! We look forward to seeing you on Minevita, and be on the lookout for even more news soon!